Most of the bridal couples who had planned their wedding in this bizarre 2020 have had to reschedule the wedding date even more than once.
And now we are all facing a great and new uncertainty, right?
In a very short time we changed our way of thinking and living and we got used to thinking less and less about beautiful, positive and joyful things.
Even we professionals would have some pending questions, because even what seemed unthinkable and absurd, in reality, unfortunately came true, but…
I advise you to plan in advance everything that can be planned, but trying to plan the wedding with an “anti-Covid vision”.
What does it mean? I mean we still can’t go back to organizing the wedding as if this emergency didn’t exist or hoping it will magically disappear from… March (?!). So let ‘s do it by trying to hypothesize what the rules could be and what common sense could help us.
Of course, alone it will be more difficult. You will surely have church how to do it.
We professionals have already lived and respected the restrictions of the previous decrees on events, so we know how they should be applied also for the next season and play cunning.
We will not be sure that they will be the same, but they will certainly be a good starting point to combine with the good sense of the spouses.
So my suggestion is to ask for help from a Wedding Planner, even if so far it may not have seemed essential to you.
But in the meantime…
In order not to be caught unprepared, you can follow my instructions:
Choose your period well

Don’t plan your wedding too early ; let a few more months pass from this emergency, in the hope of putting everything behind us as soon as possible.
Start planning early
It is useless to wait to organize your wedding. Next year has a calendar full of dates already marked by weddings that were supposed to take place in 2020.
For this reason, there are very few free dates left on the 2021 agenda and, believe me, there are so many couples who want to get married in the second half. of 2021 and early 2022.
Don’t move the date
It’s not just because we like to think positively. Postponing now and reshaping the wedding could be a misstep. If the situation improves, as we foresee, and you instead have postponed prematurely, you may want to pick up everything quickly and encounter many unexpected events: you would risk compromising the result and that your professionals are already busy.
Review the guest list
One thing is certain: if you were planning to have a high number of guests, you need to review the list and resize it with a view to safety and distance. Share the number with your location and evaluate it based on their reorganization of the available spaces, but in the meantime it would be better if you started to reduce it to make your event unique and special.
Choose a location that offers you solid solutions

It will certainly be useful to have more spaces and solutions to distribute guests and sets.
So consider well the place where the ceremony will be held, but above all the banquet and the celebration.
Rely on a Wedding Planner
Even just for advice. A good wedding planner will be able to manage all these variables, both inconvenient and regulatory, for you. He will be able to tell you when you need to change your choices or ideas for more viable solutions.
It will take care of the redistribution of your budget according to the expenses that will occur and will re-evaluate the fittings according to the new arrangement that will be shared.